JUDICIARY Latest Features

Court set Date for Hearing of the Rosebud Case.

The Civil\r\nDivision at the High Court set a date to start hearing the case filed by four\r\nenvironment Civil Society Organizations against Rosebud Limited, a flower farm\r\nfor encroaching on the Lutembe Bay wetland in Namulanda on Entebbe Road.


The organizations,\r\nNational Association for Professional Environmentalists (NAPE), Green Watch,\r\nNature Uganda and Advocates for Natural Resources Governance (ANARDE) sued the\r\nNational Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and Rosebud Limited for\r\nbreaching articles 50, and 22 of the 1995 Constitution on the right to a clean\r\nand healthy environment.


The\r\nHigh Court Civil Division set October 1, 2014 to start hearing the case by Hon.\r\nJustice Benjamin Kabiito.

Posted 23rd, April 2014
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